To follow this guide, you need a demo account. Make sure it's fully set up according to our instructions on how to request a demo account.
To communicate with our API, you'll need to build HTTP requests. You can use the programming language of your choice to achieve this. We provide examples of scripts using Python, but most of the content you'll work with will be in JSON.
To gain access to our API, you will need your Client ID and Client Secret. Instructions for getting these values can be found in Use the API. You should take special precautions to keep your client secret a secret. In the example below (using our demo environment
), we show you how you can use secrets stored in a .env
First, make a request to get your access token. This token will be required to make all other API requests. For this step, make a GET request to our /token/
endpoint. If you're new to HTTP requests, visit W3Schools for useful guides.
With everything set properly and a good internet connection, you should receive a response.status_code
of 200 OK
. The
object should look something like:
200 OK
"access_token": "string",
"expires_in": 36000,
You'll need this access_token as a bearer token in headers for all requests to our API. Let's see how to use this to Understand your general resources.
Please see Get and use an Authorization Token and Error codes for more details on types of errors, and how to resolve them.
You'll need to know how to before you can follow the instructions in this section.
The results you got from the Softcheck quickscreen creation call indicate that we received your request and are actively working on it. You can see this by checking the report_status
field, which will likely be ANALYZING
. These results will not be updated in real-time. To retrieve the updated versions, you can set up a , or send requests to one of our endpoints.
In this guide, we'll show you how to send requests to our API to retrieve the status of your application via our endpoints. When using this method, keep sending requests until the field report_status
is marked as COMPLETE
. Then, you can view your final report.
We'll use the /applicants
endpoint, which allows you to retrieve the report as a JSON object.
Once your report is ready, you can download it as a PDF or HTML file via our /reports
To tell the API which application to retrieve, you need to provide it with the right application ID. You'll find it in the response of the creation call, under id
. We use , so it'll be formatted like this:123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000
Once you have your application ID, append it to /applicants
Choose the URL that corresponds to your industry
In the URL, replace {application_id}
with your application's ID
Now we're ready to bring it all together. Our /applicants
endpoint accepts GET requests, so make sure that is what you use.
Here is what your full script may look like when using Python:
In the previous example, we saved the results of the call to a new file named results_softcheck_demo.json
With everything set properly and a good internet connection, you should receive a response status of 200 OK
200 OK
"id": "<number>"
"report_status": "COMPLETE"
You'll need to know to follow the instructions in this page.
You can find the URLs for all our endpoints in the section of this documentation. Knowing how to use them can be helpful, so we'll show you how they're created.
In this example, you'll be making calls to our demo environment,
We currently divide our endpoints for application management by permissible purpose:
Human Resources endpoints start with /api/v1/hr/
Property Management endpoints start with /api/v1/pm/
Later on, you'll request a , which is under /applications
. You'll also make it a , so you'll be filling all of the information yourself instead of sending it to your applicant. To make it a quickscreen, add /quick
to your URL.
Put this together and you get the URL for your call.
Choose the URL that corresponds to your industry to continue:
To request a Softcheck, add the request-flag 'request_softcheck': true
to your request body.
For your applicant, use our CEO's name, Andrew McLeod.
For the applicant's address, use our office location in Victoria, BC.
1006 Fort St, Victoria, BC V8V 3K4, Canada
For the owner_id
, use the id of the User requesting the application. In this situation, it's you. See , to find out how to retrieve your User id.
For position_or_property_location
, use the location of the position (Human Resources industry) or property (Property Management industry) for which you are running the check. In the example, we're hiring for a position (HR industry) that will be located in Blanshard St, Victoria. See for more information on this field.
Now we're ready to bring it all together. Our /applications
endpoint accepts POST requests, so make sure that is what you use.
Here is what your full script may look like when using Python:
In the previous example, we saved the results of the call to a new file named softcheck_demo.json
With everything set properly and a good internet connection, you should receive a response status of 201 Created
201 Created
"id": "<number>",
"report_status": "ANALYZING",
Please see for more details on types of errors, and how to resolve them.
The id in the response corresponds to the newly created applicant. Copy this id, as you'll need it next to .
Please see for more details on types of errors, and how to resolve them.
You'll need to know how to Get your access token before you can follow the instructions in this section.
When you're set up within Certn, you belong to an organization. This organization has a few levels of hierarchy:
Superteams can have multiple Teams and Teams can have multiple Users. When you're added to Certn, you're linked to a Team, which is linked to a Superteam.
You'll need an Authorization header with a valid Bearer token. This token is your access token you retrieved according to Get your access token.
Replace access_token
with your API access token:
In the beginning, you'll be the only User in your organizational account. Let's retrieve your users by making a GET request to our /users/
In this example, we saved the results of the call to a new file named user_list.json
With everything set properly and a good internet connection, you should receive a response status of 200 OK
200 OK
"results": [
"id": "string<uuid>",
For more details on the structure of the User list response, see #retrieve-a-list-of-users.
Errors are a relatively common occurrence when working with APIs. It's always good to know how to prevent them and what to do when they arise.
See Error Codes for details on types of errors and how to resolve them.
How to sign up for a demo account.
To request a demo account, email Certn's Partnership Team at They will arrange a call to learn about your organization's specific requirements and to help you set up your demo account.
Once created, you will be invited into your demo account via email, and prompted to create a password.
Set up your account on our dashboard to start testing our API.
Enter your email and password
Click Log in
Click Settings
Locate the team you want to use for testing
Click Settings for this team
You can manage your account settings and billing info from here.
Adding a payment card to your account allows you to test a greater variety of features. Since this is a demo environment, you can use the card information provided below.
From your team's Settings page:
Click Billing
Click Connect Payment Card
Fill in the following card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Add an expiry date in the future
Fill in the following CVC: 424
Click Authorize Card
Navigate back to the dashboard by clicking the Certn logo in the top left
Click on the Partner tab
Click Refresh Keys
Click OK to accept that a new key will be created, inactivating the previously generated key
Click Copy
A new Client ID and Secret Key will appear in a modal for copy/pasting
Once this modal is closed, the Secret Key will not be accessible anymore
You can now start testing the API with your demo account.
When testing on our demo environment, you'll receive prefilled server responses to calls made with mock data.
When you’re ready to use the API in production, send us an email at
In the user_list.json
file, you should see one user listed in the results: it's you! Look for the id
field for your User, and copy that value. We use universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) for ids, so it'll be formatted like this:123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000.
You'll need this to Create your first application.
Click the profile icon