Create a demo account

How to sign up for a demo account.

Signup for a demo account

To sign up, follow the instructions presented on the screen, and fill all the required fields. Then, head over to your email provider and click the link to verify your email address. You may have to wait a few minutes before it reaches your inbox. Check your spam folder if you don’t see it.

If you are a property manager, contact us directly to have your account setup.

Setup your account for API tests

Setup your account for testing our API with mock data directly from the dashboard.

  1. Enter your email and password

  2. Click Log in

  3. Click Settings

  4. Locate the team you want to use for testing

  5. Click Team Settings

You can manage your API keys and Billing info from here.

Add a payment card

Adding a payment card to your account allows you to test a greater variety of features. Since this is a demo environment, you can use the card information provided below.

From your team's Settings page:

  1. Click Billing

  2. Click Connect Payment Card

  3. Fill in the following card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242

  4. Add an expiry date in the future

  5. Fill in the following CVC: 424

  6. Click Authorize Card

Create an API key

From your team's Settings page:

  1. Click API Keys

  2. Click Add API Key

  3. Hover over the generated string

  4. Click Copy

  5. Store the key somewhere safe

You can now start testing the API with your demo account.

When testing on our demo environment, you'll receive prefilled server responses to calls made with mock data.

Send your first request

Get production access

When you’re ready to use the API in production, send us an email at

Last updated

The Certn Group of companies includes Certn, Credence & InterCheck. For educational purposes, these companies are referred to as “Certn” in this website. For questions about any of the aforementioned companies, contact ©2023 Certn.