Basic Disclosure And Barring Service Check

A Basic Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Check is a United Kingdom (UK) criminal record check and can be obtained for a person living or working in England and Wales. The Basic DBS Check includes a digital identity verification service. Reported results will contain details of convictions and conditional cautions considered to be unspent under the terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.


The check is available in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧

The check is not available for quickscreen. ❌


Human Resources


Property Management



Request flag

Include this flag in the body of your request:


Invite parameters

To invite an applicant to complete a screen, include this parameter in the body of your request:

  • email

You also need to provide the employment sector to indicate the purpose of the check and the position. Use the following fields:

  • employment_sector

  • role_or_position_title

Applicants must go through identity verification to complete a Basic DBS Check. Make sure to add an Enhanced Identity Verification before sending your request.

See all available Application parameters.

Example request

The following example contains fields for someone applying for employment.

     "request_uk_basic_dbs_check": true,
     "request_enhanced_identity_verification": true,
     "email": "",
     "employment_sector": "RETAIL",
     "role_or_position_title": "Accounting manager",


Report field: uk_basic_dbs_check_result

Test data

Send Basic DS Check requests with the following sets of data on our demo environment to retrieve our pre-filled reports.

Clear results

First nameLast name

*(will accept any name)

*(will accept any name)

Records found

First nameLast name

*(will accept any name)



400 Bad Request

‌You may receive a 400 Bad Request if:‌

  • A Basic DBS Check invite is sent without specifying employment_sector or role_or_position_title.

  • The employment_sector value is not a valid value from the list provided in the Invite parameters.

How to fix this issue

Add the appropriate fields with valid values before sending your request.

Last updated

The Certn Group of companies includes Certn, Credence & InterCheck. For educational purposes, these companies are referred to as “Certn” in this website. For questions about any of the aforementioned companies, contact ©2023 Certn.