Employment Reference Check

Phone reference check

A phone reference check includes manually calling your candidate's supplied reference to answer a list of questions and the summary of the reference call is included in your Certn report. Certn has a standard list of questions or the customer can provide their own.

Digital reference check

A digital reference check includes submitting employment reference questionnaires using our standard questions or allows you to supply a customized list of questions to verify the best applicant.


This check is available in Canada πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ and the US πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

This check is available for a quickscreen βœ…


Human Resources


Property Management



Request flag

Include one of these flags in the body of your request:

Email: request_employer_references

Phone: request_employer_phone_references

Optional flags

Set these flags explicitly, or leave them out to use your team's default settings:





Invite parameters

To invite an applicant to complete a screen, include this parameter in the body of your request:

See all available Application parameters

Quickscreen parameters

To complete a quickscreen, include these parameters in the body of your request:

Make sure to obtain the proof of consent from your applicant before running the quickscreen.

Example request

    "email": "test@certn.co",
    "request_employer_phone_references": true,
    "employer_questionaire_id": "b123b4cd-1a23-1a23-12a3-a123456b7890",
    "information": {
        "first_name": "Andrew",
        "last_name": "McLeod",
        "addresses": [{
                "address": "4412 King Alfred Court",
                "city": "Victoria",
                "province_state": "BC",
                "country": "CA",
                "current": true
        "employer_references": [{
                "company_name": "Bob's Mechanics",
                "position": "Mechanic",
                "start_date": "2010-01-01",
                "end_date": "2020-12-23",
                "first_name": "Bob",
                "last_name": "Mechanic",
                "reference_job_title": "Head Mechanic",
                "relationship": "Supervisor",
                "email": "test.reference@certn.co",
                "phone_number": "12501234567"
    "position_or_property_location": {
        "address": "Tiffany & Co., 97 Greene St",
        "city": "New York City",
        "county": "New York",
        "province_state": "NY",
        "country": "US",
        "postal_code": "10012",
        "location_type": "Position Location"


Report field: reference_result

Last updated

The Certn Group of companies includes Certn, Credence & InterCheck. For educational purposes, these companies are referred to as β€œCertn” in this website. For questions about any of the aforementioned companies, contact support@certn.co. Β©2023 Certn.