
Softcheck is a search of thousands of international data sources for identification of potential illegal behavior, criminal activity, incidents of fraud, regulatory violations and negative media information. This service also includes searches of country sanction lists, exposed persons lists, sex offender registries, terrorist registries and most wanted lists from around the globe.



Request flag

Include this flag in the body of your request:


Invite parameters

To invite an applicant to complete a screen, include this parameter in the body of your request:

  • email

See all available Application parameters

Quickscreen parameters

To complete a quickscreen, include these parameters in the body of your request:

Make sure to obtain the proof of consent from your applicant before running the quickscreen.

Example request

    "request_softcheck": true,
    "information": {
        "first_name": "Andrew",
        "last_name": "McLeod",
        "addresses": [{
                "address": "1006 Fort St Unit 300",
                "city": "Victoria",
                "province_state": "BC",
                "country": "CA",
                "current": true
    "position_or_property_location": {
        "address": "2680 Blanshard St Unit 3",
        "city": "Victoria",
        "province_state": "BC",
        "country": "CA",
        "postal_code": "V8T5E1",
        "location_type": "Position Location"


Report field: risk_result

Test data

Send Softcheck requests with the following data on our demo environment to retrieve our pre-filled reports.

When requesting a pre-filled report via Softcheck, you only need to enter the First Name and Last Name. Leave the other fields blank or add placeholder data.

Last updated

The Certn Group of companies includes Certn, Credence & InterCheck. For educational purposes, these companies are referred to as “Certn” in this website. For questions about any of the aforementioned companies, contact ©2023 Certn.