Error codes

A list of API error codes and how to fix them.

400 Bad Request

You may receive a 400 Bad Request if:‌

There are issues in the body of your request

  • A required field is missing.

"information": { "addresses": ["This field is required."] }

How to fix this issue

Add all the required fields to the body of your request.

  • You used the wrong format or data type for a field.

"city": ["Not a valid string."]

How to fix this issue

Format all your fields according to their data type.

There's an issue with your account

  • Your account isn't configured to run this check or your account does not have payment configured.

"request_equifax": ["Account not configured to \"request_equifax\".
 Please contact to update your plan."]

How to fix this issue

Contact our support team to have your account configured for this check or to confirm that your payment method is correctly configured.

For a demo account, use this payment method.

Something is preventing your request from completing

  • You tried to generate a report, but the application is still processing.

"non_field_errors": ["Cannot generate report for incomplete hr applicant."]
"non_field_errors": ["Cannot generate report for incomplete applicant."]

How to fix this issue

Wait for the application's status field to show Returned before generating the final report.

  • You requested a check with a min and a max but set your min value to a number greater than your max value.

"non_field_errors": [
    "employer_references_max must be greater than employer_references_min."

How to fix this issue

Edit the request's check settings to make sure that any min values are less than or equal to the corresponding max values.

401 Unauthorized

You may receive a 401 Unauthorized if:‌

Your authorization header is missing or incorrect

  • You sent your request without an authorization header.

"detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."
  • You sent your request with an authorization header, but without an API Key.

  • You provided an incorrect API key in the header of your request.

"detail": "Invalid token."

How to fix this issue

Add an authorization header to your request and make sure it includes your API Key.‌

403 Forbidden

You may receive a 403 Forbidden if:

You don't have permission to make this request

  • You sent your request to an endpoint you don't have access to.

"detail": "You do not have permission to perform this action."

How to fix this issue

Use the URL that corresponds to your industry and make sure you're authorized to access this endpoint.

404 Not Found

You may receive a 404 Not Found if:‌

The resource you called doesn't exist

  • You sent a request to retrieve all your applications, but the page number you provided doesn't exist.

"detail": "Invalid page."

How to fix this issue

Make sure the page number you entered is a valid integer and within the bounds of your expected results.

  • You sent a request to retrieve an application or a report, but the application ID you provided couldn't be found.

"detail": "Not Found."
  • You sent a request to retrieve an application or a report, but the application ID you provided is a string of letters.


How to fix this issue

Add your application ID to the URL and make sure it's in the proper format.

  • You sent a request to retrieve questionnaire reference templates for a team, but the team ID you provided couldn't be found.

"detail": "Not Found."
  • You sent a request to retrieve questionnaire reference templates for a team, but the team ID you provided is a string of letters.


How to fix this issue

Add your team ID to the URL and make sure it's in the proper format.

500 Internal Server Error

You may receive a 500 Internal Server Error if:‌

You sent something we didn't expect

  • Some fields in your request are using the wrong data type.

<HTML Page> Server Error (500)

How to fix this issue

Last updated

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