Education Verification

An education verification validates the disclosed education of an individual. Typically, the standard is to verify the highest degree, unless otherwise requested. Certn verifies degree(s) received, course of study, and dates of attendance when available. This is verified directly with the institution(s) listed which includes through their electronic repository that holds the records if required.

Certn makes 3-5 sufficient attempts to obtain source data for verification and reports back accordingly. A sufficient attempt can be defined as an attempt which could reasonably lead to a result. Additional fees apply when a school utilizes an outsourced entity to provide data.


This check is available in Canada 🇨🇦 and the US 🇺🇸

This check is available for a quickscreen


Human Resources


Property Management


  • Quickscreen

  • Invite


Request flag

Include this flag in the body of your request:


Optional flags

Set these flags explicitly, or leave them out to use your team's default settings:




Invite parameters

To invite an applicant to complete a screen, include this parameter in the body of your request:

  • email

See all available Application parameters

Quickscreen parameters

To complete a quickscreen, include these parameters in the body of your request:

Make sure to obtain the proof of consent from your applicant before running the quickscreen.

Example request

    "request_education_verification": true,
    "education_verification_level": "HIGHEST",
    "email": "",
    "information": {
        "first_name": "Sebastien",
        "last_name": "Normandin",
        "date_of_birth": "1970-06-28",
        "addresses": [{
                "address": "4412 King Alfred Court",
                "city": "Victoria",
                "province_state": "BC",
                "country": "CA",
                "current": true
        "educations": [{
                "current": false,
                "start_date": "2016-08-21",
                "end_date": "2020-04-16",
                "institution": "University of Victoria",
                "degree": {
                    "degree": "BA"
                "specializations": [{
                        "specialization": "History"
                "address": {
                    "city": "Victoria",
                    "province_state": "BC",
                    "other_province_state": "",
                    "country": "CA"
                "highest_level": true
    "position_or_property_location": {
        "address": "Tiffany & Co., 97 Greene St",
        "city": "New York City",
        "county": "New York",
        "province_state": "NY",
        "country": "US",
        "postal_code": "10012",
        "location_type": "Position Location"


Report field: information.educations

Last updated

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